{ "reporting_entity_name" : "HealthPlanName", "reporting_entity_type" : "HealthPlanType", "last_updated_on" : "2024-08-29", "version" : "1.0.0", "out_of_network" : [ { "name" : "BH/R&B RES/CHEM DEP", "billing_code_type" : "RC", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "1002", "description" : "Residential treatment-Chemical dependency", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "26-3107183" }, "billing_class" : "institutional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 350.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1211.11, "npi" : [ 1720214695 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 190.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 211.11, "npi" : [ 1720214695 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "Drug test def 22+ classes", "billing_code_type" : "HCPCS", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "G0483", "description" : "Drug test(s), definitive, utilizing drug identification methods able to identify individual drugs and distinguish between structural isomers (but not necessarily stereoisomers), including, but not limited to, GC/MS (any type, single or tandem) and LC/MS (any type, single or tandem) and excluding immunoassays (e.g., IA, EIA, ELISA, EMIT, FPIA) and enzymatic methods (e.g., alcohol dehydrogenase); qualitative or quantitative, all sources(s), includes specimen validity testing, per day, 22 or more drug class(es), including metabolite(s) if performed", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "47-2052763" }, "service_code" : [ "81" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 246.92, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 650.00, "npi" : [ 1780059717 ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }